2024 Labor Law Updates

When federal and state labor laws are passed, amended or repealed, it impacts your company’s posting requirements. Remaining compliant in the face of all these changes is becoming increasingly complex. Each adjustment may require you to immediately update your labor law posters — or replace them altogether. 

At Poster Compliance Center, our expert team works tirelessly to stay current on all federal, state and local labor law updates to ensure you have the most recent posters. Sign up to be notified so that you never miss a change. Or, sign up for a compliance plan and speak with a member of our team to ensure you stay updated on the latest mandatory posting requirements.

Get Notified About Labor Law Changes

Poster compliance is not just an annual event. Government agencies do not have to notify businesses about labor law updates. To keep your business current and compliant, you need to be aware of changes as they occur so that you can act promptly. 

Don’t stress about tracking down mandatory changes. Let us do the work for you. Sign up here for notifications about federal and state labor law updates. 

Your privacy is important to us. We do not share your personal information with any third parties and will only notify you when state or federal labor law changes require a new poster.

The Latest State and Federal Labor Law Updates

Depending on your state or region, 2024 holds a large number of labor law updates. We have compiled the latest labor law updates across the country and in every state. You can access previous updates by visiting the individual state pages. Check below and order your updated posters from Poster Compliance Center.

Tennessee June 2024 Wage Regulation/Child Labor

The notice now clarifies that minors aged 14 and 15 cannot work between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM on school nights, or between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM on nights when there isn’t school the next day.

The notice now clarifies that employers must keep minor employees’ parental or guardian consent forms in the minor’s personnel file.

The notice now includes definitions of “school days” and “school hours.”

The list of occupations prohibited for minors now includes posing or modeling while engaged in sexual conduct.

The notice now clarifies that minors aged 15 and younger are not permitted to work at a place of employment where the monthly gross receipts from alcohol sales exceed 25% of the total gross receipts, or where a minor will be permitted to take orders for or serve alcoholic beverages. Minors aged 16 and 17 are permitted to work in places where 25% of the total gross receipts are alcohol sales as long as they are not permitted to take orders or serve the intoxicating beverages themselves.

The notice now includes the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development’s Authorization Number at the bottom.

This notice is available in English and Spanish. So far, only English has updated.

Unemployment Insurance

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s website address has been updated.
*While the state has modified this mandatory notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of your existing poster if it includes the most recent mandatory change listed below. Plan customers who would like an updated poster can reach out to us on chat or by calling 1.800.322.3636

New York June 2024 Discrimination

“Citizenship or immigration status” was added to the list of prohibited discriminatory bases. Text stating that only employers with 4 or more employees are covered under the law until February of 2020 was removed. The definition of education institutions was expanded to include for-profit colleges, universities, and private career schools. And the section about complaint-filing was updated to state that complaints must be filed within 1 year of the discriminatory act if the act occurred before February 15th, 2024.

The notice has bilingual text, in English and Spanish.

Equal Pay

The addresses to the New York City District and Buffalo District Offices were changed. The notice is available in English. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Washington D.C. June 2024 Time Off to Vote

As of April 2024, Washington DC has released a new required notice called “Time Off to Vote.” The notice lists 2024 election dates and explains to employees that they have a right to take two hours off if their employer is not already giving them time off to vote. 

The notice is available in English.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The notice was redesigned, reformatted, and updated to include the name of DC’s mayor. The phrase “medical certification and reasonable prior notice when applicable” was added. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Paid Family and Medical Leave Act

The notice was redesigned, reformatted, and updated to include the name of DC’s mayor. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Parental Leave Act

The notice was redesigned and updated to include the name of DC’s mayor. The section about school events and school activities was updated to include emergency parent-teacher conferences as an example of an event that couldn’t be reasonably foreseen. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Protecting Pregnant Workers

The notice was redesigned, reformatted, and updated to include the name of DC’s mayor. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Maine April 2024 Veteran Benefits and Services

A new notice outlining veteran benefits and services in the state of Maine was released. This notice is a required posting for all employers with 50 or more employees. The notice is available in English. 

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Oregon March 2024 OSHA

The notice now states that employees have the right to refuse to perform a hazardous task that would expose them “to imminent danger or serious physical harm.”

The notice now states that employees have the right to report a work-related injury or illness without being discriminated against (when before it just said “retaliated against.”)

Information about complaint-filing was moved to a different section of the notice. The notice now explicitly says employees have the right to file a complaint. The address and phone number that people can direct their complaints to were also updated. 

Information about requesting a workplace injury or illness log was broken up into two sections. Some language was changed, and the name of the workplace injury and illness logs were also referred to by name (OSHA 300 log and OSHA 300A summary). 

The phrase “job-site inspections” was changed to “workplace inspections.” 

The QR Codes and Oregon Administrative Rule Number were moved to a different location on the poster. A third QR code, which employees can use to learn their whistleblower rights, was also added.

The notice is available in English and Spanish.

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Michigan March 2024 Discrimination

The notice now prohibits discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and race “including hair texture and protective hairstyles.” 

The notice is available in English and Spanish. 

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Federal Contractor February 2024 Paid Sick Leave (Worker Rights Under Executive Order 13706) (Spanish)

This notice has been added to the Spanish poster. 

Nevada February 2024 Safety and Health Protection on the Job

The cap on mandatory penalties for serious OSHA violations, and for failing to correct an OSHA violation within the proposed time period, has increased from $15,625 to $16,131. The cap on mandatory penalties for “willfully or repeatedly” violating OSHA has increased from $156,259 to $161,323.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims' Leave Bulletin

The notice has been renamed to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims’ Leave Bulletin. Effective January 1, 2024, the new policy changes the existing laws to apply to victims of sexual assault as well as domestic violence. Victims of sexual assault and victims of domestic violence can access up to 160 hours of leave over a 12-month period.

Employees can now use leave for the diagnosis, care, treatment, counseling, court proceedings, or establishment of a safety plan for a family member or household member who is a victim of sexual assault as well as a family member or household member who is a victim of domestic violence.

Minimum Wage Bulletin

The name of the Director was updated. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Daily Overtime Annual Bulletin

The name of the Director was updated. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Assembly Bill 190

The names of the state Governor, Director, and Labor Commissioner have been updated. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Assembly Bill 307

The names of the state Governor, Director, and Labor Commissioner have been updated. A second address was added for the Office of the Labor Commissioner. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Senate Bill 209

The names of the state Governor, Director, and Labor Commissioner have been updated. The address to the Office of the Labor Commissioner was changed slightly (the suite number was removed). **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Wisconsin February 2024 Unemployment Insurance

Instructions for applying online have been updated to state that all applicants will be mailed a verification letter with a code that must be entered within seven days, and the schedule of times to apply online was updated. The notice now states that online services are available 24 hours a day Monday through Friday, from midnight until 3:00 PM on Saturdays, and all day until midnight on Sundays.

The “When to Apply” section was updated to state that people who are participating in the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program can apply for benefits. The section was also updated to state that those who aren’t sure if they are eligible can apply to find out.

The “Have This Information Ready” section updated to include “bank routing number” and “bank account number” for applicants who want to receive UI benefits via direct deposit.

A web URL which can be used to locate the nearest Wisconsin Job Center was added.

The box for employers to fill in their business’s name and address was removed, along with instructions for filling in this information.

Language was edited for specificity and clarity throughout the notice. 

The notice is available in English and Spanish. 

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Illinois February 2024 Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws
The Paid Leave section of the notice now states that workers can earn up to 40 hours of paid leave per year, when before it said they can earn 5 days of paid leave. The Paid Leave  section also now states that employers may frontload all paid leave hours at the start of the year, and that any unused frontloaded leave does not need to be carried over to the next year.  A hotline section was added to the Paid Leave section as well, and the hotline number for the Meal & Rest Periods section, the Unpaid Wages section, the Equal Pay Act section, the Child Labor section, and the Violent Crime Victims’ Leave section were updated. 
The notice is available in English and Spanish.
Paid Leave For All Workers

The notice now states that workers can earn up to 40 hours of paid leave per year, as opposed to 5 days of paid leave. The notice also now states that employers may frontload all paid leave hours at the start of the year, and that any unused frontloaded leave does not need to be carried over to the next year. A phone number was also added to the notice.

The notice is available in English and Spanish. 

Louisiana February 2024 Workers' Compensation Fraud

A new state-mandated notice was released. The notice defines workers’ compensation fraud and lists fines and legal penalties for committing fraud. A hotline number is provided for people to call if they suspect someone is engaging in this type of fraud.

The notice is available in English.

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New Mexico February 2024 Discrimination Notice

“Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Related Condition” was added to the list of prohibited discriminatory bases. The notice also now states that employers cannot retaliate against employees for participating in an investigation.

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Connecticut January 2024 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $15.69/hour.

The notice is available in English.

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Texas January 2024 Reporting Workplace Violence

Beginning January 8, 2024, all Texas employers must post the Reporting Workplace Violence notice in both English and Spanish. The notice informs employees where they can report workplace violence or other suspicious activity. 

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California January 2024 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will rise to $16.00/hour. This applies to all employers.

Discrimination and Harassment

The Additional Protections section now states that employers with five or more employees cannot discriminate based on an employee or job applicant’s use of cannabis off the job and away from the workplace (though some exceptions may apply). The Additional Protections section also now states that employers with five or more employees must offer up to five days of job-protected bereavement leave within three months of the death of a family member (though some exceptions may again apply). The section also now states that employees are entitled to five days of job-protected leave following a reproductive loss event. Finally, the Additional Protections section has also been updated to state that employees have the right to reasonable accommodations related to pregnancy and childbirth (when before it just said that employers are required to “reasonably accommodate” employees.)

Text stating that employment agencies must serve all job applicants equally, must not make discriminatory pre-hiring inquiries, and must not push help-wanted advertisements which include discriminatory hiring preferences, was removed from the notice. Text stating that unions cannot discriminate in member admissions was also removed.

Paid Sick Leave

The cap on accrued sick leave has been raised to 80 hours/10 days. No accrual or carryover is needed if employers provide 40 hours or 5 days “up front” at the beginning of a 12-month period. Employers may limit the usage of paid sick leave to 40 hours or 5 days (whichever is greater) in any given year of employment. 


The notice was modified to state that “an employer who receives a citation, Order to Take Special Action, or Special Order must post it or a copy, including the enclosed multi-language employee notification, at the place of violation or unsafe condition for three working days.”

Rhode Island January 2024 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $14.00/hour for regular employees. and $3.89/hour for tipped employees. Full-time students under the age of 19 working non-profit jobs can be paid 90% of the minimum wage ($12.60/hour), and minors aged 14 and 15 working no more than 24 hours a week can be paid 75% of the minimum wage ($10.50/hour).

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Alaska January 2024 Wage and Hour Act

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $11.73/hour. This applies to all employers.

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Colorado December 2023 Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will rise to $14.42/hour (and $11.40/hour for tipped employees, although the notice no longer lists the tipped minimum wage). Denver’s minimum wage was removed from the poster, and a web link was added that people can use to view Colorado’s local minimum wages online.

Overtime standards for agricultural workers were lowered to 48-56 hours, based on size and seasonality.

The rate of pay at which executives/supervisors, administrators, and professionals become exempt was changed to $55,000/year, and to $33.17/hour for highly technical computer work.

Some text was reworded/removed.

The notice is available in English and Spanish.


Employment Discrimination

One line of text, pertaining to discriminatory incidents occurring on or before August 9, 2022, was removed.

The notice is available in English and Spanish. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Minnesota December 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $10.85/hour for large employers, and $8.85/hour for small employers, training wages, youth wages, and workers with a J-1 Visa. The notice is available in English and Spanish, and this change applies to all state employers.

Veterans Benefits and Services

This new notice lists the potential benefits available to veterans and their families. It also links to online resources, as well as resources by phone. As of January 1, 2024, all employers with more than 50 employees are required to post this notice. The notice is currently available only in English.

Missouri December 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $12.30 for private employees, and $6.15 for tipped employees. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Victims' Economic Safety and Security Act (VESSA)

Text was added stating that the “Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is an equal opportunity employer/program.” A phone number for the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations was also added. The notice is available in English and Spanish. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

New Jersey December 2023 Wage and Hour Law Abstract

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $15.13/hour for most employees, $13.73/hour for seasonal employees, $12.81/hour for agricultural employees, $5.26/hour for tipped employees, and $18.13/hour for long-term care facility direct care staff members. The notice is available in English.

Conscientious Employee Protection Act

The logo was switched out and the notice was reformatted. Only the Spanish version of the notice changed. **While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Massachusetts December 2023 Paid Family and Medical Leave

The maximum weekly benefit increased to $1,149.90. Employers may deduct payroll contributions of up to 0.46% from a covered individual’s wages or other earnings.

Workers now need to make more than $6,300 in the last four completed quarters to qualify for PFML benefits.

There is now space for employers to write the name, address, phone number and website URL associated with their private insurance plan, and the notice has been reformatted.

The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Unemployment Insurance Coverage

The table listing assigned days to call the TeleClaim center was removed. There are no more “assigned days”; anyone can call at any time.

Text stating that call scheduling may be implemented during peak periods was removed.

One of the two phone numbers associated with the TeleClaim Center was removed; all UI applicants are now expected to call the same phone number regardless of their area code.

Some minor language adjustments were made (changing the word “telephone” to “phone”) and some text was reformatted.

*While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.


Washington December 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $16.28 per hour. Workers who are 14 or 15 years old may be paid 85% of the minimum wage ($13.84 per hour). The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Paid Time Off

Effective January 1, 2024, the weekly cap for wage replacement will increase to $1,456. The premium rate for Paid Family and Medical Leave will be 0.74% of an employee’s wage. Employees must pay around 71% of the total, and employers with 50 or more employees must pay the remaining amount. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Your Rights as a Worker

Three web URLs were updated. The “Contact L&I” section was updated to remove one URL and one line of text, and one line of text was removed from the “Administered by other agencies” section as well. *While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Ohio November 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Ohio will increase to $10.45/hour for non-tipped employees, and $5.25/hour for tipped employees.

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Arizona November 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Arizona will increase to $14.35/hour for non-tipped employees, and $11.35/hour for tipped employees. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

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Vermont November 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $13.67/hour for most employees, and $6.84/hour for tipped employees.

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South Dakota November 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase to $11.20/hour for most employees, and $5.60/hour for tipped employees. The notice is available in English and Spanish.


The English safety notice was changed from one that says “Together everyone achieves more. Be part of the safety team.” The Spanish safety notice was changed to one that says ““La seguridad en evite lo peor sea parte del equipo de seguridad…” (“Avoid the worst and be part of the safety team.”) The image and format of both notices was also changed.

Wyoming October 2023 Health & Safety

The layout of the notice was changed.

Some text was removed.

Some phone numbers and online links were removed.

The title of the person responsible for workspace inspections was updated.

The name of the organization responsible for providing free technical assistance to Wyoming employers was updated.

Text specifying that employers can be fined up to $10,000 for any willful violation resulting in the death of an employee was removed. The updated text just says that willful violations resulting in death are “punishable by fines” without specifying an amount.

Workers' Compensation

The layout of the notice was changed.

Text stating that employees can obtain a “Wyoming Report of Injury” form online was added, and a link to the appropriate website was added.


The layout of the notice was changed.

The address to the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Fair Employment Program was changed.

Unemployment Insurance

The URL for Wyoming@Work was updated.

Wyoming@Work is now called HireWYO. 

*While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

Idaho October 2023 Notice All Employees (Unemployment Insurance)

The notice has been reformatted.

The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Minimum Wage

Brad Little is now listed as governor of Idaho and Jani Revier is listed as the director of the Idaho Department of Labor.

The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Florida September 2023 Minimum Wage

Effective September 30, 2023, the Florida minimum wage will be $12.00 per hour, with a minimum wage of at least $8.98 per hour for tipped employees. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Reemployment Assistance

Department of Economic Opportunity in Florida has been renamed to the Florida Department of Commerce.

Maryland August 2023 Minor Fact Sheet

Text stating that the Commissioner of Labor and Industry may grant exceptions to the number of hours and occupations worked by minors was removed.

Text stating that employers who are subject to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will be found in violation of the law if they follow Maryland’s less-restrictive State Standards instead of the Federal Standards was removed.

Text stating that those interested in federal child labor law can visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division website was added, and a link to the site was provided. Old text, stating that those interested in Federal Standards can contact the Wage and Hour Division by phone, was removed.

The notice is available in English and Spanish.

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Virginia August 2023 Occupational Safety and Health Law

Fines for private sector employers have increased to up to $15,375. Fines for private sector employers who intentionally or repeatedly violate the law have increased to up to $153,742. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

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Georgia July 2023 Workers' Compensation Bill of Rights

Wages for those injured in catastrophic cases and non-catastrophic cases have increased from $725 to $800. A widowed spouse with no children will now be paid a maximum of $320,000. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

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Arkansas July 2023 Notice to Employer and Employee

Information about employment certificates has been removed from the Child Labor section. Penalty amounts for child labor violations have increased. Penalty amounts should not be less than $100 and not more than $5,000 for each violation.

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West Virginia July 2023 Unemployment Benefits

The Unemployment Compensation Benefit Rate Table has been updated.

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Kentucky July 2023 Wage and Hour Laws

Tipped pool requirements have been updated. Contact information has also been updated.

Child Labor Laws

The notice has been reformatted and contact information has been updated.

Wage Discrimination Because of Sex

The notice has been reformatted and contact information has been updated.

Federal June 2023 Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal

The Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal notice has been updated to include more rights for employees with disability, pregnancy, or related medical condition. The sections “What Types of Employment Discrimination are Illegal?” and “What Employment Practices can be Challenged as Discriminatory?” are now updated. There are now more categories to protect those with a disability, pregnancy, or related medical condition against discrimination.

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Delaware February 2023 Minimum Wage

The Delaware poster now includes a section about Wage Theft. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Workers' Compensation

A line telling employees to file an application with the Industrial Accident Board was changed to say they should file their application with the Office of Workers’ Compensation. *While the state has modified this notice, we have determined that this change will not impact the compliance of our previous poster version.

South Carolina December 2022 Employment Discrimination

The notice includes an updated list of classes protected from discrimination. Publication date of 11/14/2022. Available in English and Spanish. 

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Nebraska December 2022 Minimum Wage

Effective January 1, 2023, the minimum wage in Nebraska will increase to $10.50 per hour. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

Unemployment Insurance

The notice has been updated with a new website address to file a claim for unemployment benefits. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

North Carolina November 2022 Wage and Hour Act

The notice lists new rules for youths under 16 years of age. Publication date of 9/2022. The notice is available in English and Spanish. 

Retaliatory Employment Discrimination

The notice has been reformatted.

OSH Notice to Employees

The Penalties section has been updated. The commissioner has the right to assess penalties against employers who violate the OSH Act. Publication date of 9/2022. The notice is available in English and Spanish. 

Hawaii July 2022 Wage and Hour Laws

Effective October 1, 2022, the minimum wage in Hawaii will increase to $12.00 per hour. Publication date of 6/22/2022.

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Pennsylvania July 2022 Minimum Wage

The tipped minimum wage threshold has been increased to $135 per month. The notice has been reformatted and contact information has been updated.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

The notice has been reformatted and contact information has been updated.

Unemployment Compensation

The notice has been reformatted.

Alabama July 2022 Child Labor Laws

18-year-olds are now allowed to serve alcoholic beverages if the licensee is Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) certified. The notice is available in English and Spanish.

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Oklahoma March 2022 Oklahoma USERRA

Employers are prohibited from discriminating against former, current, and applicant members of the Oklahoma state military forces. The notice provides a definition of the Oklahoma state military forces. The notice is broken down into four main sections: Reemployment rights, Right to be free from discrimination and retaliation, Health insurance protection, and Enforcement. The notice lists a posting requirement.

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Kansas February 2022 Unemployment Insurance

The Unemployment Contact Center section of the notice has been reformatted. Available in English and Spanish.

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Utah July 2021 Utah – Unemployment Insurance Notice to Workers

Phone numbers have been updated for the majority of State Employment Centers. The publication date has been updated.

*This is not a mandatory notice but has been included on the Utah Labor Law Poster.

Workplace Safety and Health (UOSH)

Employees have the right to participate in a UOSH inspection. UOSH will promptly issue a citation to notify an employer who is in violation of the Utah Act rules and standards. New information was added on filing a complaint about state program administration. New Revision Date of 1/15/19.

Indiana March 2021 Teen Work Hour Restrictions

The section on 16- and 17-year-old minors has been reworded. 16- and 17-year-old minors may not: Work more than 6 consecutive workdays, or start work between 12 and 6 AM.

*This is not a mandatory notice but has been included on the Indiana Labor Law Poster.

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Mississippi June 2020 Unemployment Insurance for Employees

The new version of the notice gives more specific information on:

    • Who is eligible to file a claim?
    • When an employee can file a claim?
    • How to file a claim?
    • What information is required to file a claim?
Worker's Compensation Notice of Coverage

The notice has been reformatted.

Iowa March 2020 Job Safety and Health (OSH)

Employees may file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of an act of retaliation or discrimination by an employer for making safety and health complaints or exercising their rights under the OSH Act. Employees have the right to receive copies of their medical records or records of their exposure to toxic and harmful substances or conditions. Employees must comply with all occupational safety and health standards issued under the OSH Act that applies to their own actions and conduct on the job. Employers must comply with the occupational safety and health standards issued under the OSH Act.

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New Hampshire September 2019 Employment Discrimination

“Gender identity” has been added to the list of protected classes.

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North Dakota August 2015 Minimum Wage & Work Conditions

New information about limitations on paid time off. Pregnancy added to the list of categories for which discrimination is prohibited. New information about tip credits. New Effective Date of Aug. 1, 2015.

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