Poster Compliance Center Blog

6 Tips for Managing Remote Employees

Remote employee working from home

If you’re a manager who’s trying to navigate a remote workforce, you might be struggling to motivate your teams, keep everyone connected, and be effective at managing remote employees. You can’t afford to ignore those skills. According to a recent Gartner poll, 90 percent of HR leaders said that they would still be allowing remote […]

Arizona’s 2021 Minimum Wage

Arizona Canyons

This 2021 the minimum wage increases an additional 15 cents, making the new minimum wage $12.15 an hour beginning January 1st.   The wage increase due to Arizona’s recent 1.3% cost of living increase. It is important to note that some workers are exempt from the minimum wage increase. This includes Arizona federal employees, state […]

How to Set Team Goals Where Individuals Can Thrive


Setting team goals and objectives is a challenging but worthwhile endeavor for any organization that seeks to improve and grow. For business leaders and managers, it boils down to an exercise in motivating a collective group of people to achieve something inspiring in a measurable way that can be celebrated once it is accomplished. Here […]

10 Strategies to Smash Your Team Goals

Typography Image that Says Goals and Strategies

Once each department has established its goals in alignment with the company’s overall vision, mission, and long-term strategy, each department must track its performance to ensure that it will achieve them. The managerial role becomes critical for overseeing the team’s performance and motivating everyone to achieve their goals. Keeping the team focused on its goals—or […]

How to Satisfy New and Existing Labor Law Poster Requirements for Remote Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Though we all hoped our time working remotely would be short-lived, it’s clear that the COVID-19 nightmare isn’t over. Many companies have already said they’re continuing their work-from-home plans through next year. For example, Google has extended its work-from-home policy through June 2021. Microsoft plans to work from home through at least January 2021. Twitter […]

How to Break Through Generational Barriers for High-Performing Teams


The workforce today is more diverse than ever—the most noticeable being employee age gaps. This new normal, the multi-generational workforce, requires special considerations for project leaders managing and motivating such diverse teams. What Are The Generations? Pew Research has noted certain characteristics, values, and sensitivities shared by workers of the five main generations and a […]