Poster Compliance Center Blog

Enhancing Your Peace of Mind: Poster Compliance’s Extended Warranty for Labor Law Fines

labor law poster guaranteed warranty extended from $25,000 to $41,000.

In the ever-evolving landscape of labor laws, businesses face constant challenges to remain compliant with a multitude of regulations. At Poster Compliance, we understand the importance of staying up to date with the changing legal requirements at every level – Federal, State, City, and County. As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions, we […]

Where Should You Post Your Labor Law Posters?

image of hospital in where should I display labor law posters

Most employers know that it is crucial to comply with labor laws and ensure that your employees are aware of their rights and protections by displaying mandatory notices in the workplace. However, determining the appropriate locations for these posters is often overlooked and can be confusing. In this blog post, we will explore the requirements […]

Don’t Risk Your Federal Contract


As a federal contractor or subcontractor, trying to ensure compliance with posting requirements can be a complex, time-consuming, and confusing task. Not only must federal contractors meet the same federal and state requirements that all private companies must adhere to, but federal contractors must also meet the same requirements as federal government agencies. Considering non-compliance […]