Poster Compliance Center Blog

Labor Law Posting for Nonprofits

Nonprofit labor law poster image.

Just like for-profit businesses, nonprofits must comply with labor laws designed to protect employees’ rights and ensure fair treatment in the workplace. One fundamental aspect of compliance with these laws is meeting labor law posting requirements. In this blog, we will dive into the details of labor laws, posters, and maintaining compliance. For a more […]

What Are the Legal Requirements for Workday Breaks in Michigan?

Two Michigan workers taking a break during their workday.

Ensuring that employees have adequate breaks during their workday is crucial for maintaining productivity and promoting workplace well-being. However, not all states require employers to give breaks. In this article, we’ll cover what Michigan and federal labor laws do and don’t require of employers when it comes to workday breaks. Does Michigan Law Require Meal […]

Understanding Labor Laws for Salaried Employees

rules for salaried employees.

Navigating the complex patchwork of federal and state labor laws can be challenging. While many employers are familiar with basic employment rights, understanding the specific rules that affect salaried employees is crucial for ensuring compliance. In this article, we’ll explore the key law that affects salaried employees—the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)—focusing on exempt vs. […]

Update: The Latest Digital Labor Law Poster Requirements

remote worker

The move toward remote and hybrid work environments has created a series of headaches for employers, including how to share labor law posters with employees who aren’t in the workplace. Typically, labor law posters are displayed in common areas, such as employee breakrooms or lounges, where employees have ready access to them. But employees who […]

Introducing eComply360: Simplify Remote Labor Law Compliance

Happy remote worker using ecomply360 for digital compliance

Staying compliant with labor laws is crucial for any business, but it’s especially challenging for companies with remote employees. Juggling different State and Federal regulations, managing posters and employee access, and keeping everyone informed can be a major headache. Enter eComply360, the game-changer for remote labor law compliance. This innovative solution streamlines the entire process, […]

4 Tell-Tale Signs of a Labor Law Compliance Scam

Failure to comply notice used to scare consumer. Labor poster scam. Labor law scam alert.

After 30+ years as a reputable labor law poster provider, we’ve seen our fair share of unscrupulous business practices. With scare tactics, aggressive phone calls, and threatening mailers, a labor law compliance scam can lead well-meaning business owners to spend money on a labor law poster (or posters) that they don’t even need. Our ultimate […]

Ensure Workplace Compliance and Employee Protection with Labor Law Poster Best Practices

image of workers on labor law best practices blog

Adhering to labor law compliance regulations is crucial for employers to maintain a fair and legally compliant work environment while protecting the rights and interests of their employees. In this blog post, we will discuss essential best practices centered around labor law posters that organizations should follow to ensure they are in full compliance with […]

Enhancing Your Peace of Mind: Poster Compliance’s Extended Warranty for Labor Law Fines

labor law poster guaranteed warranty extended from $25,000 to $41,000.

In the ever-evolving landscape of labor laws, businesses face constant challenges to remain compliant with a multitude of regulations. At Poster Compliance, we understand the importance of staying up to date with the changing legal requirements at every level – Federal, State, City, and County. As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions, we […]

Don’t Risk Your Federal Contract


As a federal contractor or subcontractor, trying to ensure compliance with posting requirements can be a complex, time-consuming, and confusing task. Not only must federal contractors meet the same federal and state requirements that all private companies must adhere to, but federal contractors must also meet the same requirements as federal government agencies. Considering non-compliance […]